Evoplex  0.2.1
constants.h File Reference

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#define EVOPLEX_MAX_NODES   100000000
 maximum number of nodes (10^8)
#define EVOPLEX_MAX_STEPS   100000000
 maximum number of steps (10^8)
#define EVOPLEX_MAX_TRIALS   1000
 maximum number of times an experiment can be repeated (10^3)
 maximum number of opened projects at the same time (10^2)
#define GENERAL_ATTR_EXPID   "id"
 the experiment id
#define GENERAL_ATTR_NODES   "nodes"
 a path to a csv file OR a command to AttrsGenerator
#define GENERAL_ATTR_GRAPHID   "graphId"
 graph's id
#define GENERAL_ATTR_MODELID   "modelId"
 model's id
#define GENERAL_ATTR_GRAPHVS   "graphVersion"
 graph's version
#define GENERAL_ATTR_MODELVS   "modelVersion"
 model's version
#define GENERAL_ATTR_SEED   "seed"
 seed of the PRG
#define GENERAL_ATTR_STOPAT   "stopAt"
 hard stop condition, ie., last simulation step
#define GENERAL_ATTR_TRIALS   "trials"
 number of times the experiment has to be repeated
#define GENERAL_ATTR_AUTODELETE   "autoDelete"
 automatically deletes the experiment from memory
#define GENERAL_ATTR_GRAPHTYPE   "graphType"
 graph type of a graph generator
#define GENERAL_ATTR_EDGEATTRS   "edgeAttrs"
 a command to AttrsGenerator
#define OUTPUT_DIR   "outputDirectory"
 path to the directory in which the file will be saved
#define OUTPUT_AVGTRIALS   "outputAvgTrials"
 1 to indicate if the output should be done across all trials; 0 otherwise
#define OUTPUT_HEADER   "outputHeader"
 valid header
#define OUTPUT_SAVESTEPS   "outputSaveSteps"
 n=0 to save all steps; n>0 to save the last n steps
#define PLUGIN_ATTR_TYPE   "type"
 plugin's type (graph or model)
#define PLUGIN_ATTR_UID   "uid"
 plugin's unique id
#define PLUGIN_ATTR_AUTHOR   "author"
 authors' name
#define PLUGIN_ATTR_TITLE   "title"
 plugin's title
#define PLUGIN_ATTR_DESCRIPTION   "description"
 plugin's description
#define PLUGIN_ATTR_VERSION   "version"
 plugin's version [0,UINT16_MAX]
#define PLUGIN_ATTR_ATTRSSCOPE   "pluginAttributesScope"
 domain of the plugin's attributes
#define PLUGIN_ATTR_NODESCOPE   "nodeAttributesScope"
 domain of the node's attributes
#define PLUGIN_ATTR_EDGESCOPE   "edgeAttributesScope"
 domain of the edge's attributes
#define PLUGIN_ATTR_CUSTOMOUTPUTS   "customOutputs"
 custom outputs defined in the model
#define PLUGIN_ATTR_SUPPORTEDGRAPHS   "supportedGraphs"
 graphIds allowed in the model; empty to allow all graphs
#define PLUGIN_ATTR_VALIDGRAPHTYPES   "validGraphTypes"
 valid graph types of a graph generator
#define PLUGIN_ATTR_EDGEATTRSGEN   "supportsEdgeAttrsGen"
 true if the graph supports edge attributes generator